Comprehensive Guide to Ship Arrival and Departure Procedures in Libyan Ports
Pre-Arrival Requirements:
- Appoint a Local Agent: Before arriving at a Libyan port, ships must appoint a local shipping agent to facilitate communication and compliance with local regulations.
- Document Submission: The ship owner or agent must submit the following documents to the port management at least 24 hours prior to the Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA):
- Completed and Signed Forms 1-11
- Copy of Bills of lading and Cargo manifest including the weight and volume of the cargo.
- Copies of:
- International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code Certificate
- Ship Registry Certificate
- Radio Safety Certificate
- Safety Equipment Certificate
- Safety Construction Certificate
- Classification Society Certificate
- International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) Certificate
- International Load Line Certificate
- International Tonnage Certificate
- International Safety Management (ISM) Code Certificate
- Document of Compliance (DOC)
- Minimum Safe Manning Certificate
- Insurance Certificate
- Ship Sanitation Control Certificate
- Medical Store List
- Latest Port State Control (PSC) Inspection Report
On board required Ship Documents:
- Certificate of Registry and Tonnage
- Load Line Certificate
- International Shipping Certificate
- Passenger Transport Certificate
- International Certificate for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)
- Radio and Telex Safety Certificate
- Crew List (including nationalities)
- Passenger Manifest (signed-on and signed-off)
- Cargo Manifest
Arrival Procedures:
- VHF Channel 16: Before entering Libyan territorial waters, the ship must contact the port control on VHF Channel 16.
- Signaling: Upon approaching the anchorage, the ship must display the following signals:
- Call sign
- Quarantine flag
- Ship’s flag at the stern
- Libyan flag at the bow
- Red flag during the day and red light at night (if carrying explosives or flammable materials)
- Pilot request signal
- Pilot Boarding: The ship must not enter the entrance channel until the pilot has boarded.
- Health Declaration: If the master suspects any infectious disease on board or if the ship has come from a port affected by a pandemic, they must immediately inform the quarantine or port authority upon arrival.
Berthing and Sailing Procedures:
- Master’s Responsibilities: The master must be on the bridge during arrival, departure, and while the ship is berthed. They must comply with all local and international laws.
- Berthing Priority: Berthing priority is generally given to the first ship to arrive, with the following order of preference:
- Passenger vessels
- Livestock carriers
- Liner vessels
- General cargo vessels
- Tankers
- Port Management Authority: The port management authority will assign the berth and may relocate the ship for operational efficiency.
- Anchorage: Ships without a suitable berth may be anchored, but they must not move without port authority permission.
- Shifting Berth: Ships cannot shift berths without port authority permission. The master is responsible for ensuring the suitability of the new berth.
- Compulsory Tonnage: Tug assistance is mandatory for entering or leaving port through tunnels or during shifting operations.
- Pilot Services: A pilot is mandatory for entering or leaving port.
- Master’s Responsibility: Even with a pilot on board, the master remains responsible for the ship’s navigation.
- Liability: The ship owner is liable for any damage caused, even if the pilot was at fault.
- Pilot Fees: Pilot fees must be paid, even if the entry or departure is canceled.
- Cargo Manifest: The cargo manifest must include weight and volume in cubic meters. A copy must be submitted to the agent 24 hours before arrival.
Restrictions and Interdictions:
- Repairs and Maintenance: No repairs or maintenance work can be carried out without port authority permission.
- Chimney Cleaning: Chimney cleaning is prohibited while in port.
- Lighting: No lights can be altered without port authority permission.
- Waste Disposal: Discharging waste, including oil, chemicals, or garbage, into the port or territorial waters is strictly prohibited.
- Currency and Personal Items: Currency, cigarettes, and alcohol must be declared.
- Prohibited Activities: Prostitution, possession of alcohol (except sealed and stored), and unauthorized photography are strictly prohibited.
- Ship-to-Ship Visits: Ship-to-ship visits require customs and immigration approval.